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Monday, March 15, 2010

MSC: Lemon Meringue Cupcakes

Megan from My Baking Adventures, one of my personal favorite bloggers, selected the cupcake recipe for the Martha Stewart Cupcakes Club this month, Martha's Lemon Meringue Cupcakes.  As you may recall, we present our cupcakes on the 15th of each month and swap notes on what we thought of the cupcakes and the process of making them, and somehow, this month, the 15th appeared out of nowhere.  Maybe it was that darn Daylight Savings Time garbage this weekend that threw me off...

Husband was positively stoked when I told him about this recipe a while back.  Unfortunately for him, this spring forward weekend has been a bit of a mess, so I had to resort to a few shortcuts to manage to get these cupcakes made.  I have promised him an I.O.U. for a future making of these cupcakes, complete with seven-minute frosting and lemon curd. These cupcakes are really lemon meringue imposters.  I did manage to make the lemon cupcakes...but time was working against me when it came to making the lemon curd.  And well, I was already cutting corners, so I decided to make a simple vanilla buttercream frosting for the cupcakes rather than the seven-minute frosting.

What's cooking in Toddler's kitchen?  Could it be?  Has he mastered Martha's cupcakes?

These were a great treat for Husband.  We had a rough weekend, between having some serious computer challenges and Toddler becoming the pickiest eater on the planet, throwing tantrums left and right at the dinner table.  I think he really enjoyed sitting down to watch "The Amazing Race" with a yummy lemon cupcake.  And these sure were yummy.  They might not be beautiful, but they did taste good.

They may not appear on Tastespotting, but they were still tasty in their own right.


  1. In my house, taste is king. I don't really care so much what things look like as long as they taste great, so I'm with you on this one!

  2. I say embrace shortcuts when you need them! Looks delicious!

  3. Hey, taste is everything! I'd certainly have one of yours. :D

  4. I'd rather a cupcake taste yummy than look good! I've had plenty of not-so-good cupcakes that were beautiful. Glad you enjoyed these. I will definitely make the cake again, but not the frosting.

  5. but seriously, next time skip the cake and make the curd. It is so yummy - the cake was just the vehicle to eat the curd.

  6. Haha I love the shot of the cupcake in your baby's oven :) Your cupcakes look terrific and much like your husband, I also enjoyed one of these treats while I watched the Amazing Race on Sunday night!!

  7. OH WOW. that tiny kitchen is just about the cutest thing i've ever seen! lol!

    i thought these were super delicious too!


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