Wow, this is a special bloggy week for me, really! Not only did I receive my very first blog award...but now I've received my second!
How cool is that???? This one is the Lemonade Award, and I've seen it making the rounds on some of my favorite blogs over the last few months. I'm so honored to receive it! I'll be adding it to my sidebar later today. This particular award comes to me from Kristin at Bon Bon Rose, a super-fun, fashion blog that finds some awesome deals, so make sure to swing by and visit.
Here are the rules of the Lemonade Award:
1.Put the logo on your blog or post
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show an attitude of gratitude
3. Link to your nominees within your post
4. Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received this award
5. Share the love and link to this post and the person who nominated you for the award
6. Tell us how you've come to have an attitude of gratitude
Here are my nominees for the Lemonade Award, again in no particular order:
Eighty MPH Mom * Mission Motherhood * Stacy's Random Thoughts * Frugal Fit and Fabulous * I Heart Bowheads * Java Cupcake * Together We Save * Lulaville * The Big Piece of Cake * Wannabe Supermom
As for my own attitude of gratitude, after my last post (filled with whining), it's hard for me to say that I truly have an attitude of gratitude. I suppose, however, when I'm not whining, I'm pretty darn thankful that I have the life that I do - that I can afford to stay at home with my kiddo and watch him grow every day, that I have the husband and kiddo that I do...they make just about everything worthwhile. And I'm thankful for chocolate, in all of its varieties - I've even come to appreciate white chocolate, whom I've always thought of as the bastard step-child of chocolate.
So, thank you again to Kristin over at BonBon Rose, it's such an honor to be thought of! :)
19 hours ago
White chocolate is so yummy, fatty but yummy. Congratulations on your award! :)
stopping by from SITS!!!!!!
oh how i LOVE white chocolate!!!!!
have a great weekend!!!!
Thank you for thinking of me!
Congrats on your award! Just came here from SITS to spread some cheers!
Happy Friday!
Wow...I'm so honored...
and I'm busy reading through your posts so I'll come again to thank you properly.
Thank you so much for the award! It's my FIRST one!!! I appreciate it and you!
Thank you for the award!!! :) xoxox This is so sweet of you!!
Thank you so much for the award, this is my first! Please don't be offended that I might not get it up until we get back from vacation.
Hey thanks! I've been so busy this past week, I've barely had time to read blogs... So I'm just catching up. You are too kind!
Thanks I finally posted it!
You are TOO kind!!!! And awarded to a slacker blogger like me! I FINALLY logged in today to catch up (its been WEEKS I tell you!) and I was SO thrilled to see this comment. Very honored! Many many thanks!!
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Thank you so much for leaving me a comment! I totally heart comments, they make me smile. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!